
फुर्सत शो दुबई 2024

फुर्सत शो दुबई
From June 04, 2024 until June 06, 2024
दुबई - दुबई विश्व व्यापार केन्द्र, दुबई, UAE
+971 50 १० 282 7774; +971 4 १० 445 3606१।
(कृपया उपस्थित हुनु अघि तलको आधिकारिक साइटमा मिति र स्थान डबल-जाँच गर्नुहोस्।)

फुर्सद शो | ४ - ६ जुन २०२४ | आतिथ्य कल्याण व्यापार शो

Find people and companies that are relevant to you. A global meeting hub for the recreation and wellness industry in Dubai. Transform your fitness, wellness and recreation spaces. Who will you encounter? Every year, thousands of creative professionals come to Leisure Show to discover, network and do business. These are some of the key players who have attended our events in recent years.

DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTRE, DUBAI (UAE), 4 - 6 June 2024 10:00 : 18:00 DAILY.

फुर्सद शो जहाँ नवाचार र रूपान्तरण कल्याण, फिटनेस र मनोरञ्जन ठाउँहरू पुन: परिभाषित गर्न मिल्छ। हामी एक प्रदर्शनी भन्दा बढी छौं। 20-वर्षको विरासतको साथ, हामी मध्य पूर्वका शीर्ष खरीददारहरूलाई विश्वव्यापी आपूर्तिकर्ता र निर्माताहरूसँग जोड्ने अन्तिम हब हौं।

We bring the most innovative and diverse global products, design and technology, all under one roof. This event is a gateway into the Middle East's thriving wellness, fitness and recreation markets.

Every year, thousands of creative professionals come to Leisure Show to discover, network and do business. These are some of the key players who have attended our events in recent years.

कार्यक्रम एक गन्तव्य हो जसले नवीनतम, उत्कृष्ट, र विश्वव्यापी डिजाइन, प्रविधि, र उत्पादनहरूको सबैभन्दा विविध दायरा ल्याउँछ।

The Leisure and Wellness Conference brings together visionaries and experts in the field of wellness. This dynamic event is a great way to explore the latest trends in the industry and engage in meaningful discussions about topics like customization, personalization and sustainability.

हिट्स: 30833

टिकट वा बुथहरूको लागि दर्ता गर्नुहोस्

कृपया Leisure Show Dubai को आधिकारिक वेबसाइटमा दर्ता गर्नुहोस्

स्थानको नक्सा र वरपरका होटलहरू

दुबई - दुबई विश्व व्यापार केन्द्र, दुबई, UAE दुबई - दुबई विश्व व्यापार केन्द्र, दुबई, UAE


800 क्यारेक्टर बायाँ