
पालतू पशु मेला दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया 2024

पालतू पशु मेला दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया
From October 30, 2024 until November 01, 2024
बैंकक - BiTEC | बैंकक अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय व्यापार र प्रदर्शनी केन्द्र, बैंकक, थाइल्याण्ड
(कृपया उपस्थित हुनु अघि तलको आधिकारिक साइटमा मिति र स्थान डबल-जाँच गर्नुहोस्।)

घरपालुवा जनावर मेला दक्षिण-पूर्वी एशिया - पालतू उद्योग साझेदारी हब

PET FAIR SOUTH ASIAThe International Pet Industry Trade Hub in South East Asia. The International Pet Industry Trade Hub is located in South East Asia. 30 October – 01 November 2024. Bangkok International Trade & Exhibitions Center. Are you interested in booking a stand? Pet Fair South East Asia will take place between 30 October and 01 November 2024. The numbers of Pet Fair South East Asia. The 2023 Aftermovie. The 2022 Aftermovie.

Pet Fair South East Asia is a global business-to-business partnership hub for distribution, retail, and sourcing that extends beyond the ASEAN area. The third edition will be held in Bangkok, Thailand's vibrant and energetic capital from October 30th to November 1st 2024. It has an expanded hall capacity. In 2023, the show featured 281 exhibitors and 10,000 visitors. The 2024 edition of the show is on track to surpass these numbers.

The second edition Pet Fair South East Asia attracted 9,646 visitors from 74 different countries. Malaysia was the largest group of international visitors, followed by China and India. Importers, Distributors, Retailers, Brand Owners, and Other Pet Food Manufacturers were the largest business group of visitors. In 2023, 281 companies from 43 different countries were exhibiting on the show floor. The 2024 edition will likely surpass these numbers.

हिट्स: 9192

टिकट वा बुथहरूको लागि दर्ता गर्नुहोस्

कृपया पेट फेयर दक्षिण-पूर्व एशियाको आधिकारिक वेबसाइटमा दर्ता गर्नुहोस्

स्थानको नक्सा र वरपरका होटलहरू

बैंकक - BiTEC | बैंकक अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय व्यापार र प्रदर्शनी केन्द्र, बैंकक, थाइल्याण्ड बैंकक - BiTEC | बैंकक अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय व्यापार र प्रदर्शनी केन्द्र, बैंकक, थाइल्याण्ड


वेन हो
एशियामा नयाँ पाल्तु जनावर खाना आपूर्तिकर्ता भेट्न अगाडि हेर्दै
आपूर्तिकर्ता सहभागी मा Pls जवाफ
मोहम्मद समीन खान
घरपालुवा जनावरको खाना
म तपाईंलाई उत्तर अमेरिकामा केही घरपालुवा जनावर खाद्य आपूर्तिकर्ताहरूसँग भेट्न इच्छुक छु कि यस क्षेत्रमा व्यापार अवसरहरू छलफल गर्न।

800 क्यारेक्टर बायाँ