

From November 26, 2024 until November 28, 2024

कान्स मा - Palais des Festivals, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Canton Fair Net द्वारा पोस्ट गरिएको


MAPIC - अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय खुद्रा सम्पत्ति बजार घटना

Watch the video postcard for 2023. Discover the winners of the MAPIC Awards! MAPIC: See the winners! Discover the new face and experience of retail. LeisurUp is hosted by MAPIC(Palais -1). Retail Village & MAPIC Academy. MAPIC Innovation Forum. The Happetite Forum. The Happetite Forum.Exclusive Resources Exclusive ResourcesRetail list. Retail list.Booklet. Booklet.3 Daily News Are you a journalist?

अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय जमघटका लागि विश्वको अग्रणी कार्यक्रम खुद्रा, फुर्सद, खाना, र प्राविधिक समुदायहरू।

तीन दिने उच्चस्तरीय सम्मेलन, नेटवर्किङ इभेन्ट र व्यावसायिक बैठकमा १५०० फुर्सद र रिटेल कम्पनीहरूसहित चार हजार पचास जना सहभागी थिए। भविष्यमा दिगो विकास हासिल गर्ने लक्ष्य थियो।

This year, MAPIC featured the latest urban renewal projects transforming cities around the world, including London, Lisbon and Paris. Berlin, Madrid, Berlin, Madrid... The European projects were well represented, but also major international developers, including those from Saudi Arabia Kuwait, India Iraq and Kyrgyzstan, attended.

Tomorrowland Leisure / Momentum Leisure, Netflix, KCC, 360 Karting, The Smurfs, Triple5... जस्ता सहभागीहरूसँग फुर्सदको विषयवस्तु मुख्य केन्द्रित थियो।

सँगै, जीवन्त जीवनशैली गन्तव्यहरू सिर्जना गरौं।

Raymond Cloosterman, Rituals, was awarded the Personality of The Year award by MAPIC for his outstanding achievement in real estate, retail, leisure, and F&B.