कफी एक्सपो भियतनाम

कफी एक्सपो भियतनाम

From October 31, 2024 until November 02, 2024

हो ची मिन्हमा - साइगोन प्रदर्शनी र सम्मेलन केन्द्र (SECC), हो ची मिन्ह, भियतनाम

Canton Fair Net द्वारा पोस्ट गरिएको


कफी एक्सपो भियतनाम - Triển lãm Quốc tế Cà phê, Trà và Bánh Ngọt

हाम्रोबारे। नतिजा २०२३। कफी एक्सपो भियतनाम २०२०। कर्पोरेट ग्राहकहरू। उत्पादन देखाउँदै। फोटो लाइब्रेरी। आयोजक | आयोजक समिति। प्रदर्शनी एकाइ। मिडिया एकाइ। कफी एक्सपो भियतनाम।

Coffee Expo Vietnam is the largest trade show in the industry of coffee, tea and pastries in 2024. The event will be held at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center 799, Nguyen van Linh, D.7 in Ho Chi Minh City from 31/10-02/11/2024. This event is a showcase of premium coffee and tea products and technologies. It includes ingredients, machinery, equipment, desserts and other products related to the industry.