Didacta - शिक्षा मेला

Didacta - शिक्षा मेला

From February 11, 2025 until February 15, 2025

Stuttgart मा - Messe Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, जर्मनी

Canton Fair Net द्वारा पोस्ट गरिएको

[ईमेल सुरक्षित]


didaca | मेसे स्टटगार्ट

Early bird prices are available now. Ideal sponsorship and patronage. Didacta is the education fair. Didacta's three main subject areas. didacta program. Didacta has a comprehensive supporting program of around 1,500 events, including seminars by experts and special events in all three subject areas.

2025 मा didacta मा सामेल हुनुहोस्। व्यापार मेला, सम्मेलन र नेटवर्किङ: आफ्नो नवीन समाधान र उत्पादनहरू प्रस्तुत गर्न यो अवसरको अधिकतम फाइदा लिनुहोस्।

As a trade fair, didacta provides a comprehensive insight into the entire education system, from early childhood education, to school/extracurricular education, to vocational training and further education. The diverse exhibition offers are complemented by a top-quality training program for educators, teachers, trainers, and personnel developers. Didacta brings together high-ranking representatives of politics, business and science to discuss the future of education and exchange ideas.