फेसन एक्सपो आयात गर्नुहोस् [वसन्त]

फेसन एक्सपो आयात गर्नुहोस् [वसन्त]

From March 26, 2025 until March 28, 2025

कोटोमा - टोकियो बिग साइट, टोकियो, जापान

Canton Fair Net द्वारा पोस्ट गरिएको

[ईमेल सुरक्षित]


ブランド&デザイナー EXPO|FaW टोक्यो

The 12th Brand & Designer EXPO Spring will feature products from over 40 countries. The 12th Brand and Designer EXPO spring. Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - Friday, March 28, 2025 Tokyo Big Sight. The display will feature 40 different countries and their brands! . Brand & Designer EXPO Overview. This is an international exhibition of foreign brands (wear, shoes, bags, accessories, etc.). The exhibition includes 40 countries from around the globe. . Gather trends and needsContains many tips for product development. Do not worry if this is your first time to exhibit!We provide generous support for sales expansion. FaW TOKYO Spring Venue Situation.

You can convey product features in a more accurate way by allowing the buyer to "see" or "touch" it. This allows for more detailed negotiations.

Attendance will be by 25,000 people*. There will be many key buyers and decision makers from the fashion industry as well as other industries in attendance. They will all be directly involved in the deal.

TV (NEWS23, Super J च्यानल), SNS (उपस्थितिमा 135 प्रभावशाली), WWD, Yomiuri Shimbun, आदि। नयाँ उत्पादनहरू, ब्रान्डहरू र कम्पनीको पहलहरूको बारेमा जानकारी फैलाउन मिडिया प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ।

आगन्तुकहरूको आवाज सुन्दा हामीलाई उनीहरूको आवश्यकता, प्रवृत्ति र नयाँ उत्पादनहरूको लागि विचारहरूको बारेमा जानकारी सङ्कलन गर्न अनुमति दिन्छ।

हाम्रो कर्मचारीले तपाइँलाई तपाइँको कम्पनीको लागि बिक्री बढाउन घटनाको दिन सम्म समर्थन प्रदान गर्नेछ। यसमा कसरी प्रभावकारी रूपमा तयारी गर्ने र आकर्षक स्ट्यान्ड प्रस्तावहरू समावेश छन्।