MINEXPO केन्या

MINEXPO केन्या

From June 05, 2024 until June 07, 2024

नैरोबी मा - नैरोबी, नैरोबी काउन्टी, केन्या

Canton Fair Net द्वारा पोस्ट गरिएको

"+ c +"@expogr.com


केन्या MINEXPO 2024 - खनन उपकरण र मशीनरी ट्रेड अफ्रीका

Please select an option. Exhibitor categories. City/Country Info. ANPING REDSTAR WEAVE MESH MFG. CO., LTD. Upcoming in Tanzania. What are the implications of the discovery of Coltan deposits? Exploring the Benefits from Small-Scale and Artisanal Mining Activities in Kenya. Tirupati Graphite began manufacturing with its Sahamamy Project, in Africa. According to a proposal released by the Ministry, Kenya will serve as a hub for exports from Africa.

MINEXPO KENYA, क्षेत्र मा एक मात्र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय खानी प्रदर्शनी, खनिज उद्योग को खानी र प्रशोधन को लागी नवीनतम प्रविधि को सबै भन्दा व्यापक दायरा प्रस्तुत गर्दछ। कार्यक्रममा खानी, मार्थोभिङ र सेफ्टी इक्विपमेन्टमा अत्याधुनिक मेसिनरी र प्रविधि प्रदर्शन गरिएको छ। प्रदर्शनी एक प्लेटफर्म हो जसले स्थानीय र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय प्रदर्शकहरू, पेशेवरहरू, खरिदकर्ताहरू र प्रतिनिधिहरूलाई उद्योगमा साझा दृष्टिकोणको साथ ल्याउँछ। अर्थतन्त्र र पूर्वाधार दुवै हिसाबले पूर्वी अफ्रिकी क्षेत्रको विकासको प्रमुख चालक खानी उद्योग हो।

Necst Motors East Africa, a grouping of companies, was founded in 2017 and is the sole importer, dealer, and distributor of Volvo Trucks in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. With over 20 years of experience as a distributor of heavy machinery and commercial vehicles...

MASHKHIMPROM LLC is a pioneering company that designs & manufactures various products such as Mining Equipment, Chemical-Technological Equipment's, Metallurgical Equipment's, Grinding and Classification Equipment's, Robotic Welding Complexes. They have the most advanced technology and affordable products available on European markets.