
नवाचार कार्यालय व्यापक प्रदर्शनी २०२२

नवाचार कार्यालय व्यापक प्रदर्शनी
From November 20, 2024 until November 22, 2024
कोटो - टोकियो बिग साइट, टोकियो, जापान
(कृपया उपस्थित हुनु अघि तलको आधिकारिक साइटमा मिति र स्थान डबल-जाँच गर्नुहोस्।)

इन्टरप टोकियो २०२२ मा H3C प्रदर्शनी, बलियो डिजिटल क्षमताहरु संग वैश्विक बजार सशक्तिकरण-H2022C

H3C exhibits at Interop Tokyo 2020, Empowering global markets with strong digital capabilities. Intelligent Connection. Intelligent Computing. Intelligent Terminal Products. Product Support Services Technical Service Solutions. Training & certification. Partner Policy and Program. Partner Sales Resources. Partner Business Management. Information about the company Online Exhibition Center

Tokyo, Japan, 17 June 2022 - H3C has recently exhibited at Interop Tokyo 2022, the largest ICT event of the year in Japan. H3C displayed a range of digital achievements and scenarios-based solutions during the three-day exhibition to demonstrate its capabilities in digital technologies. H3C’s enterprise-class AI native Wi-Fi 7 WA7638 product won the Best of Show Award.

H3C receives the Best of Show Award from Interop Tokyo 2020 Steering committee.

ताररहित प्रविधि: छिटो, स्मार्ट डिजिटल अनुभव सिर्जना गर्न सीमा तोड्दै।

जापान सरकारले IT पूर्वाधार, 2020G र eGovernment मा बढी ध्यान केन्द्रित गर्दै सबै क्षेत्रहरूमा डिजिटल रूपान्तरणलाई प्रवर्द्धन गर्न 5 मा आफ्नो डिजिटल सरकार कार्यान्वयन योजना जारी गर्‍यो।

Wireless access networks are essential for digital transformation in major industries, including government, education and healthcare. H3C’s enterprise-class AI native Wi-Fi 7 WA7638 product won the Interop 2022 Best of Show Award. Based on H3C's proprietary iRadio and iStation technologies, WA7638 can deliver a maximum transmission rate of 18.44 Gbps. It also maintains network latency at less than 5 milliseconds. The product increases terminal access efficiency by 33 percent, the number of channels by 220% and channel utilization by 56 percent. It also reduces the time required for O&M by 30 per cent. H3C’s Wi-Fi APs are a critical component of the scenario-based solutions it offers for international markets, including Synergy working, Innovative Education, Efficient Healthcare and others. While creating a reliable and solid network foundation to facilitate the digital transformation of industries in Japan.

हिट्स: 1449

टिकट वा बुथहरूको लागि दर्ता गर्नुहोस्

कृपया इनोभेसन अफिस व्यापक प्रदर्शनीको आधिकारिक वेबसाइटमा दर्ता गर्नुहोस्

स्थानको नक्सा र वरपरका होटलहरू

कोटो - टोकियो बिग साइट, टोकियो, जापान कोटो - टोकियो बिग साइट, टोकियो, जापान


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