
फिटनेस, पोषण र खेलकुद भारत एक्सपो २०२३

फिटनेस, पोषण र खेल भारत एक्सपो
From May 10, 2024 until May 12, 2024
चेन्नई - चेन्नई ट्रेड सेन्टर, नन्दमबक्कम, चेन्ना, तमिलनाडु, भारत
(कृपया उपस्थित हुनु अघि तलको आधिकारिक साइटमा मिति र स्थान डबल-जाँच गर्नुहोस्।)

| फिटनेस पोषण र खेल भारत एक्सपो | FNSI २०२४

Fitness, NutritionSPORTS INDIA EXPO. 10.05. Chennai Trade Centre. INDIA'S PREMIUM EXPO FOR HEALTH, FITNESS AND WELLNESS. Supporting Sponsors. Promotional Sponsor. Supporting Associations & Federations. HEALTH & FITNESS. Fitness Accessories, Nutritional Drinks & Snacks, Gym Equipments & Sports Goods.

CompetitiveEntry Fee: ApplicableOnly professionally trained athletes may participateRegister your information with us. You will be contacted by us for further action.

CompetitiveEntry Fee: ApplicableOnly professionally trained athletes may participateRegister your information with us. You will be contacted by us for further action.

Open to AllEntry Fee: FreeParticipants must be physically fit athletes and enthusiasts.Register your information if you are interested in becoming a member.

Open to AllEntry Fee: FreeParticipants must be physically fit athletes and enthusiasts.Register your information if you are interested in becoming a member.

Open to AllEntry Fee: FreeParticipants must be physically fit athletes and enthusiasts.Register your information if you are interested in becoming a member.

Open to AllType: WorkshopEntry Fee: FreeParticipants must be physically fit athletes and enthusiasts.Register your information if you are interested in becoming a member.

CompetitiveType: TournamentEntry Fee: ApplicablePro & Amateur Players shall participate.Register your information with us. You will be contacted by us for further action.

हिट्स: 1331

टिकट वा बुथहरूको लागि दर्ता गर्नुहोस्

कृपया फिटनेस, पोषण र खेलकुद भारत एक्सपोको आधिकारिक वेबसाइटमा दर्ता गर्नुहोस्

स्थानको नक्सा र वरपरका होटलहरू

चेन्नई - चेन्नई ट्रेड सेन्टर, नन्दमबक्कम, चेन्ना, तमिलनाडु, भारत चेन्नई - चेन्नई ट्रेड सेन्टर, नन्दमबक्कम, चेन्ना, तमिलनाडु, भारत


800 क्यारेक्टर बायाँ